Monday, 16 March 2009

task 12 week 12

The games industry at the moment is facing some problems due to the economy drop; quite a lot of jobs have been lost due to this. For example the games company "free radical" has been shut down altogether due to one game release called Haze which did badly for the company and the sales didn’t cover the costs and they had to close up.

I think with this in mind that the games industry would need a few years to fully recover from the economy drop and will be proberly better for it. During the drop it will be even more difficult for people to get jobs in the industry simply because the companies might not be able to afford them. This includes the 3rd years if I were them I would be trying not to panic heh.

From the Rare lecture we had both lecturers talk about how much they enjoy working for Rare and that it is a social fun place to be like for example they discussed how they would play football between breaks and have see each other out of work to have a drink or two at the pub. I think it’s nice to have that since people wouldn’t want to work in a boring environment and do nothing.

task 11 week 11

Game play- Game play is a huge part of a game; it’s the interaction between the player and the game, the player playing as the character in the game interacting with objects/enemies etc. Game play is seriously important without it; it wouldn’t even be a game to play he he.

I think it can be a set of rules within a game to help the player succeed. like for example in metal gear solid 4 you will be told that if you are seen by the enemy, he will call for reinforcements to aid him to kill you, so to avoid this simply keep out of sight.
Game play can be designed within a game depending on what you want the player to do, one example is above another would be something simple like Pong which the player moves the pad up and down and when the ball hits the pad the player counts as interacting with that object.

Game play is in every game (hence the name) from simple things pack man to the very detailed gears of war, it’s almost inescapable!

task 10 week 10

For this topic I think ill choose a graphic novel called "The Watchmen" which is based on several masked heroes which have their own psychological profiles. My favourite character in the watchmen is Rorschach, a disturbed individual who wears a trench coat, hat and a white mask with black ink spots which move depending on the characters feelings.

What amazes me with this character is that he’s straight to the point! No Mona-logging like normal super heroes, he brakes fingers and then asks the questions! He’s more of a bad cop bad cop type then taking pity on criminals.

I like the way the artist makes him look like a mad man but half the time he makes good sense and figures any case out in the end. Also his appearance in the costume is unlike any other, instead of the horrible spandex that most super heroes wear.
Rorschach also has a gravelly voice as if you’re being beaten up by the pavement which makes this character even more interesting.

All characters in this movie have problems which make it different to every comic/graphic novel to be brought out so far, the way each of their stories is told is interesting like for example doctor Manhattan is a normal man but is blown to pieces in a horrible accident which he then becomes a blue creature which can bend matter into anything he wants, such as water into metal etc.

Here is a picture of the Watchmen comic which is out in stores and the Watchmen movie is out later this year so check it out!