Friday 5 December 2008

task 1 week 1

Just a quick note before i begin on how video games and how awesome a vacuum can be used to fire missiles just to say that i havnt been able to access blogger untill pretty much today (finally!) and so ill be sticking my blogs on with different dates hopefully not to confuse you.
p.s dont add this to the word count :P

Technically the first video game was called the cathrode ray tube (awesome name) and it involved firing missiles out of a vacuum at a target and this was created by two men named Thomas T Goldsmith and Estle Ray Man (just reliased that Ray Man is a character off a Ubi soft game called Rayman raving rabbits, funny thing that heres a picture)
I find this greatly interesting because I imagine using a Henry Hoover to fire paper missiles across the room and how fun it would be, because i dont think that games nowadays allows you to use your brain abit and its pretty much follow a storyline or fail which is boring unlike the mindless firing of paper missiles at your friends which can be hours of fun, well untill the hoover breaks.
Another interesting game would have been the Tennis for Two game which was created in 1958 by a man named William Higinbotham, which was a tennis court (from the side view) on a oscilloscope where the player would have to turn nobs to use trajectory and a button to bash the ball back to the opposing player. I think this would have been an amazing thing to see back in the day, it would have been like a cave man discovering fire for the first time a discovery which would one day lead to the games we have now.

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